Friday, February 27, 2009

To blog or not to blog

Today I have no idea what to post about, I actually did not intend to post today. There is never really a shortage of topics or inspiration ; unfortunately when these topics/inspiration arrive, either quietly like that mouse in your pantry or shouting obscenities like that drunken lout, there is never pen and paper around to jot it down.

I have not cleared the hurdle of the emotional recession; but I think I am rounding a corner. One of my fellow sheep commented that my recession can be attributed to my addiction to my hallucinogen of choice; it was liken to high grade weed. You know the thing with being high is that you must come down off of it, but life without those momentary highs would be drab and melancholic. So I guess it is a simple preference to be high and try as much as possible to stay high. Perhaps the unwanted side effects of the high would be the blackening of my soul like the gums of those chronic chronic smokers; and an inner emptiness that can be seen on the outside.

Or, perhaps I will be able to manage the addiction, curb it, and eventually all together have no need for it. Psychobabblers may call my affliction dependency; but I guess we have all earned the right to some neurosis, we are human after all.

If neurosis be the food of life, welcome to the asylum.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Emotional recession

Yesterday was not a very good day for me. If I were an economy, yesterday would be a recession; but I have initiated a stimulus package that should, in time, see me out of this recession and result in an economic boom. It was one of those days that just hit you seemingly from out of nowhere but within yourself you knew it was lurking on the surface. You try to incrementally purge yourself of the source of your angst, but the flood waters come too fast and the levee breaks and you find yourself drowning.

It's inevitable like death; but that never prevents you from playing catch me if you can with it.

Another dawn breaks, yet another chance in the lottery of life to win that big prize, only you have no idea what the prize is, but you are glad to win anything. So you strap on your wool, clean your hooves, eat some grass and join the rest of the herd out in the pasture and resolve to improve upon yesterday. BA BA BA!!!

Vacancy - apply within

What do you do when you can't recognise the reflection of the person in the mirror? It's suppose to be you looking back right. It dawns on you one day that there is a vacancy notice where you are suppose to be, and you're not sure whether you have the qualifications to fill the post.

We're living an existence missing out on life. I suppose the question would be how do you live life, what does that mean. We fall into routine, because there must be order and purpose to everything. If our existence has purpose, then why are so many of us wandering about so lost and empty in this purposeful and purpose filled life.

Sadly I have no answers. These are just my musings. Those little thoughts in my head which won't allow me a moments peace. How can I have peace of mind with the racket going on in my head? How do I quiet the mind? I'm not sure that I can. If I were a religious man I would turn to prayer; there is the alternative of being spiritual, but there is only some much scotch I can drink and that in itself solves nothing; I could seek higher peace and blaze up a fat one, but then I must come down from the high. So I write. It seems to at least place a muzzle on the cacophony and reduces it to a painless whimper.

The human mind, the developed functioning human mind, it's fascinatingly disturbing at times. I wonder if the fellas up in de heights smoking dere herbal panacea and eating shrubs ever have those lingering thoughts of vacancy. Like a shell, you know those nice ones you pick up while strolling aimlessly on the beach, really pretty on the outside but absolutely nothing left on the inside.

The thoughts seem to be dissipating, the orchestra playing it's last note. Perhaps tonight I will sleep long and deep.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Love (maybe part I)

It's me again your lovable neighbourhood cynic. I have been tussling in my mind with what the next topic of discussion would be. I was torn between the subject of love (or the notion of it anyway) and part two of assistance. A good friend of mine thought I should tear a new asshole for our telecom providers, given their ineptitude in delivering good service and value for our hard earned money; and yet another thought I should write about the energy of storms and the misunderstanding of that energy, much like her.

But in the end I opted to write about love, yes I said it love; a subject we know (at least in our own sphere) everything about and nothing about at the same time. I am certainly not an expert in the area, but as usual I have my own views. I think this may be the first in a two part series (or not). has ten definitions for love and seven for loved, loving, loves. The number one definition reads "A deep tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness." Have you been moved by that scholarly sounding feeling; ooooow, I feel so warm and fussy inside. Beres Hammond says love means never to say that you're sorry. I guess being wrong and strong works for him. What kinda doatish meaning is that for love, as if you will go through an entire relationship and not do something stupid that would hurt someone.

My definition of love is, the foolishness that ensues as a result of an overflow of chemicals in the brain; which we could probably do without. All part of god's grand plan to be amused for an eternity, the reward to him/herself for having laboured for a full six days.

Love or the notion of love and what it is, what it should be and what it ultimately becomes, simply spits ( a big thick nasty yellow film) in the face of logic and defies rational human behaviour. More specifically "romantic love" is illogical and irrational. It is sometimes depressing the notion, because, as cynical as I may be, at the heart of my quarrels with love and lovers is the fact that I am a bit of a hopeless romantic. Thus a battle of epic proportions rages daily in my head, my heart and even poisons the blood coursing throw my veins.

Ah! But a hopeless romantic I am; not in the conventional sense of course. I don't believe in this "enchanted" happily ever after, or the white picket fence. It's a farce. The result of too many fairy tales, too many movies and the deliberate attempts to escape the harsh realities of life as we have made it on this wretched planet. Believing in happily ever after is like believing that jah will provide, even though you sit on your arse using none of your god given talents to provide for yourself. There will be no happily ever after; there will be good times and the not so good times.

Again I went a bit off on a tangent. Back to the root of this posting, love, or the illusion of it. No one ever really questions whether someone truly loves them outside of the trappings of a romantic relationship. Why? One rarely ask a friend do you love me; true friends being there for you is all you really care about; on occasion you tell your friend you love them. In that relationship, no one complains about not being told I love you or being shown love, etc, etc, etc. Because you know you are loved. So what's the difference with romantic love? SEX!!! There we came back to it, the root of all our ills (I'm kidding, people giving up all responsibility to the north wind and blaming everything bad on the morning star is the real root of our problems).

Once you have plugged in, the rules of engagement change. What the hell does one involved in a romantic relationship mean when they say, I Love You.

How many of us have heard this one, I love you but I am not in love with you. Such crap, crap for a long time perpetrated by the softer, gentler, kinder sex (softer, kinder, gentler, my ass). Hog wash. Did you ever really "love" that person to begin with. The pretense continues. All the world a stage.......

I have had so many women over the last sixteen years of my life express such intense feelings of love for me that you would need a surgical team to remove cupid's little weapon of mass destruction, embedded in their hearts or so it would seem.

My first lesson in love came from this fine thick brown skin darling, with lips so full the thought of them on mine was enough to bring me to a point of ecstasy; her butt, oh my god - the phrase apple bottom had its genesis in her rear (Shit, I think I just confused love with lust, or well; it was my first time, that's my story and I'm sticking to it). We were in love or so I thought until her ex-boyfriend returned to the island. That was the only other time I cried like a baby, other than the first time I entered this world (all the other times I cried like a grown man). I made a promise to myself then, one I have obviously reneged. Yet another woman said to me she would love me and stay with me forever no matter what, good and bad; she had me convinced too. Alas I found out the life expectancy of forever was roughly one year.

But where are all these women now; they are loving and being loved by someone else, or loving themselves. And the feelings of intense love (eroded with time, not enough sex, not enough time, not enough money etc etc) becomes a story to share with their girlfriends or the next poor sap to come along (and state with conviction how he can heal that broken heart and love her like no one has loved her before.....yaduh yaduh yaduh) and have his heart and very likely her's too ripped out and stomped on like an unwelcome cockroach.

Love is too complex to be defined and the meaning changes with the people involved like the weather changes in hurricane season. It comes with the energy and destructiveness of a storm, and once it has pass it leaves you with the pieces to put together and debris to clean up. But after a storm everything seems new, fresh. You have been given a clean slate to start anew; and wait patiently with warning or not for the passing of the next storm.

Love blindsides you. Boom! You have no idea what hit you till you awake from this long coma, unable to tell who is that person staring back at you in the mirror and who you use to be before this enigmatic illusion entered your life. Do you even want to remember, does it matter. Ah! You move on, because it is better to have love and lost than to never love at all. REALLY!!!

But love like everything else eventually fades. No matter how intense the love, how real the love, how much it is professed, how much people cry, how many blows they give or take, how many sacrifices, love fades and sometimes it is laid to rest with many left to mourn.

It hurts terribly when it fades, and you spend a long time thinking about when, how and why it faded. Why does it hurt? The reason for love and the pain of love is as profound and mysterious as the meaning of life.

So the pursuit of love and the meaning of life continues. Perhaps the meaning will be revealed at the end of the trail of the pieces of your broken heart.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Assistance - Part I

Like I said my pet peeve (topic of way too much interest) is women. Women are interesting creatures (I use the word creatures with the greatest of respect from whence I came forth and by god's good graces will cum to depart). Often women refer to men in relationships as being possessive or obsessed, I can't recall ever hearing those words used to describe a woman (perhaps it is, we just prefer to refer to that behave as mad) but there are plenty I would surmise.

I posed this question to a couple women. If a man was a really lame screw and pretty much lame all round, would you be bothered if, (sorry when) he cheated? At some point or another most people cheat. Incidentally of the many definitions of cheat, the one definition relating to sexual infidelity is an "informal" definition (check the dictionary, informal is written in small italics). I have not the foggiest idea what informal in that context means, and I don't care to find out either, it does not suite my purposes.

Which brings me back to the question. If he eh good, would it matter? I dare say I think the answer would be a resounding NO! So is good wood make y'all mad. Or good man gone bad. It is my contention that people once in a relationship begin to treat each other like property, or as a good friend of mine would say, we objectify each other, more specifically body parts.

The pussy now becomes (Insert name here) pussy and the dick (Insert name here) dick. These two become the centre of the relationship universe (because they are now inextricably one) upon which all else is built and revolves. Fuck the sun as the centre of the universe, who needs the sun when you have good sex. So when the pussy or the dick is put out on loan with out prior approval (like a procurement process at World Bank) or against the wishes of the other body part, there is an immediate tear in the fabric of the universe which more often than not results in an implosion.

You know whe dat one woman enclosing one man (ok! one man inside one woman, sounds better) ting come from, no, not the good book. I have no idea myself actually, but I highly suspect is from some wealthy man or woman (I'm leaning more to the man; just around the time this whole Christianity thing got a firm under-footing) who got a boot and was so devastated by it, proceeded to pay the pious mouthpiece, purporting to be inspired by the invisible being who told him women should be away from their husband during menstruation, a handsome sum to promulgate this new twist on old doctrine.

And so we had the birth of yet another aspect of sheepdom, fidelity; where sex with multiple partners is taboo and frowned upon. Some would call it socialisation, I prefer indoctrination. I know, I know, there are so many implications for multiple partners, and if you love that person...ratty ratty ray, blah blah blah. But at the end of the day it's don't share (Insert name here) pussy/dick with anyone. And we call ourselves Christians (BA), whatever happened to assisting a fellow man or woman in need.

It's ridiculous the pains one can experience physically, emotionally and spiritually for something so divinely pleasurable.

Schizophrenic Conversations

There are many things that grind me, none particularly more than the other. Likewise there are many people who piss me off, but few have the ability to infuriate me. Then again I suppose I choose to be infuriated.

Why is it people believe they can insult your intelligence at will, as if I am freaking oblivious to the mind games; incapable of reading body language and the obvious ulterior motives behind actions. I may play the part of an idiot on occasion, but an idiot I am not.

At times when my intelligence (albeit average) is insulted, I must work hard (as a prostitute in these tough economic times trying to convince a John to spend more than twenty bucks for a blow job) to hold back my desire to swear like a drunken sailor at the source of my vexation.

Screwing up my face, grinding my teeth and occasionally raising my voice to let out some well punctuated F words is all I can do to temporarily stave off the raving lunatic just beneath the surface. I instinctively want to clench my first and pound it straight into the face of my vexation; I reserve the other thoughts skipping around the cross roads of my sometimes twisted mind.

If the people who think they know me had only an inkling of what goes on in my head daily, they would run for the hills; and unlike that woman that allegedly turned to salt they would never look back.

But I find some amusement in these accidental attempts to vex me; because I am an asshole by nature (but I play the other parts well) so I can always find a way to turn my anger right back from whence it came, times two or three or four (it depends). You really can't fight fire with fire, either one of us will lose or both of us will lose badly.

Lock up your small fluffy animals, I'm in a fowl mood, the full moon is drawing near, there is no telling what mayhem that will be unleashed.

Now you see it now you don't

So I got into town this afternoon after having sat through traffic long enough on the staff bus to actually exchange more than ten words with a colleague. I exceeded my quota for my mood and weather this afternoon.

Finally town; I'm heading straight to the ATM because I broke. I am as financially broke now as our leaders are intellectually broke. The friendly neighbourhood spider has taken up residence in my wallet. If I could only sell the wallet I would be set for the rest of the month.

Made it across from the square to the bank having survived the stench that is now Castries. I pass this guy along the way who grew up in my neighbourhood, now he lives on the street; actually I smelled him before I saw him. He lost the ability to smell himself some time ago, I can tell.

Time to withdraw what is left of my relatively huge salary. Ah! relative to what, clearly I have been mislead about what is huge. I hurriedly insert my card, anticipating the pleasure of the reward almost always guaranteed at the end of inserting anything hard into a tight narrow hole (oh stop it).

And you know the freaking machine takes my card. Some lazy smart ass in his nennen, tampered with the machine to deprive me and some other unsuspecting schmuck of his/her hard earned money. Now I'm worse off than five minutes ago, because not only do I have no money but I have no card to get money anywhere else. GREAT!!! But wait it gets better. As I am walking away from the ATM, (no I don't meet my rich uncle; as if) it begins to rain.

Now I'm waiting for this rain to stop and I am joined by two female co-workers. They apparently start babbling about the appropriateness of the weather for the ever pleasurable horizontal dance from which life and many a divorce spring; and something or the other about my participation in this feverish dance. God only knows how I enjoy dancing. But today, at this particular point, I am in no frame of mind for this senseless drivel. It seems the rain has stopped so I step out from under the building, and like a freaking tom and jerry cartoon the damn rain starts again. I swear it felt like the cloud was following only me.

Oh what the hell; I'm familiar with water, after all I still have the ability to tell when I smell fwekish. I continue to walk in the rain. And suddenly I am reminded of this lovely ray of sunshine, with curves of a goddess and a vibrance guaranteed to brighten any rainy day, who has a love for rainy days; and I smile. To the curious onlooker it may seem like I had just gone off the deep end; but I am still firmly planted on terra firma.

Then I wonder why such love (perhaps love is too strong a word; but it sounds better than really like) for the rain, is it because it is easier to cry openly in the rain without receiving disconcerting stares, or is it the feeling of being cleansed, purified albeit temporarily of transgressions past. Perhaps its just the feel of every drop beating down on your skin, the feeling of being alone in that moment, even when people are scampering along trying to escape this blessing.

Ah! the rain, it washed away my concern of being broke. I found myself lost in the smell and the feel of the rain on my skin; the concern of the disappointment of no money was no more.

Tomorrow I'll probably be sick. Oh well I enjoyed the moment.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


For an unnecessarily protracted period I have been reading "The Seven Habits of Effective People" You know one of those self help books. But after some time I grew tired of it and desired a change of pace; so I set it aside and picked up two books by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "Memories of my Melancholy Whores" ( I was sold on the name) and "One Hundred Years Of Solitude".

I had already read his book " Love in the Time of Cholera" and because it was a good read I figured what the hell.

But I digress.

It's interesting how you sometimes feel inspired by these self help books and these books purporting to give new recycled insight on the "mysteries of life" ( reminds me of a hymn) and how limitless our power to resolve the world (and our) issues are. All you have to do is believe and dig down deep, and poof, shit happens. BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!

Then it happens. You stop to ponder. Perhaps I am just one of the many uninspiring and uninspired who will continue to talk and think with such superficial intelligence inspired by the latest read; but would actually not have changed meaningfully anything in my life. Or, has my thought process changed, even incrementally; am I unconsciously changing the direction/flow of the cogs of the universe. HA! The thought is dismissed with the same speed it entered your head and you are back on that path, seeking enlightenment. BA BA BA!!!

Can you find a deeper meaning to life between the pages of a book written by some self proclaimed guru of neo-know-how of the existence that passes us for life. Perhaps there is more to learn of life from living it yourself rather than vicariously.

The religious among us will say you need only turn to the good book to find inspiration and the deeper meaning to life.

But the good book is a posting/blog all on its own.

A good friend of mine (Hadron) introduced me to the law of attraction, you know "the secret". But the peddlers of "the secret" omitted (deliberately or otherwise) the inherent difficulty in maintaining positive thoughts in a polar opposite world. There is a natural balance to life, the yin and yang; though it would seem a bit skewed of late, with the increase in the less than pleasant events occurring around us. It begs the question; are there more negative energies out there attracting like energies and actions, hurriedly drowning out the positive?

Recent events have found me asking, are human beings inherently wicked? Is what we see of our fellow homo sapiens a show to remain in the good graces of the wind which we worship/pay homage to on a Saturday, Sunday, Mid-week; depending on your dogmatic affliction, in these brick and mortar market places of hope, unquestionable faith and unwavering conviction of deliverance from our consternation of this life.

Much effort goes into thinking about how we can be good and kind to another human being (it's a strenuous exercise); but little to no gray matter is wasted on some act of wickedness. Perhaps a fleeting moment of hesitation. It is the absence of hesitation that turns into action with painful consequences. But the thought of a wicked act takes no pause, almost like a premature ejaculation it spits out to the front of your mind.

It comes so naturally we don't even realise we have committed the act. Alas, no deed goes unpunished; in this life or the next.

I truly find human beings to be despicable, sometimes unworthy of the gift of higher intelligence; at least the animals have the excuse of a less evolved brain. What's ours?

My skin has been hijacked, my humanness reposed for a better time.

E.T. come home!


This god damn sandman keeps on eluding me; playing freaking hide and go seek, popping in every now and then like some John in a brothel. When I get a hold of that bugger I'm going to hog tie his arse and beat him to a pulp. Then he will think twice about playing hide and seek with me.
It's after midnight, I have been waiting for him to show up. I feel stood up like an ugly blind date. I am going to wait for that f@*#er in the usual place. BED!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not by choice; but by nature

So what REALLY inspired this blog? It sprang fore from one subject area and mushroomed into this notion that generally, in this society try as we may, we all conform to one sect or another. In one word what birthed this was WOMEN (pun intended). Specifically my adventures and misadventures (for want of a better phrase) with women; some of my feelings and rants about my self inflicted pain has allowed me to more venomously vent on other topics (the mental health worker/scholars may refer to this as transferring); but my pet peeve remains, WOMEN.

The oxford concise dictionary defines a vice as an immoral or wicked behaviour; an immoral or wicked personal characteristic; a weakness of character; a bad habit. Someone once refered to my "distribution of love" as a character flaw. I beg to differ. By that definition is philandering (by the way there is a gender bias in that definition) a vice, a necessary evil, just an ugly word given strength by women (perhaps threaten by the possibility of losing that bastard they worked and waited so long to get and maybe have groomed him to be the desirable bugger that he is now) and bolstered by the high pitched voices of the men with their balls tightly gripped by the women in their lives or none of the above.

My relationships and extra relationships over the years have brought me much physical, emotional and in some instances spiritual pleasure; but they have also brought much emotional pain and spiritual deprivation.

I accept that I have control over my actions, but at times; who am I kidding most times I disregard any notion of consequences to my primal desire to feast on the willing flesh of a desirable woman. Damn!!! that sounds primitive and animalistic. But that's how it sometimes feel. There are other times when I would connect with some one on a deeper level and it's not all about getting in and getting out. The evolved more intelligent human, which I am suppose to be says show some restraint; like these anti-drug PSAs. "Just say NO". But then there is this other side the more appealing side like the NIKE commercial. "JUST DO IT"

It is the latter slogan and my inability or rather unwillingness to do the former which has brought me and the people in my life so much pleasure and pain. Most women in the western hemisphere would say shame on you; along with the usual rhetoric. To them I say, I don't give a fuck with what you say/think. There I said it.

At a point of much turmoil and unnecessary drama in my life; of course of my own deVICE, but heighten by the tropical systems in my life (aka women, sometimes tropical depressions, waves, storms and at extreme, hurricanes; but always with ample warning of the impending disaster). I made this analogy of women.

Women are like air. Some are like that clean, prestine air found on some undisturbed mountain side, so crisp you can't wait to wake up in the morning and take it all in, fill your lungs with every molecule; you feel alive. After some time of this it loses its novelty, but you remain with this clean mountain air because it is what you have come to know and we are scared of change. You will eventually die in peaceful boredom, content because you have known nothing else.

Then they are some women who are like that cold yet life altering thin air at the highest mountain peak. It's an adventure to reach that mountain top to take in that air, but the air up there is so thin and cold you can hardly breath, you just might die from the thrill. But it feels so good.

And of course there are those who are like the air of the smog polluted metropolitan countries. They're neither as thrilling as the mountain top (just enough to give you a buzz) or as dull as the mountain side (enough to keep you from slipping into coma); but they have they own idiosyncrasies. This air is neither clean, crisp, thin, cold or prestine; but you need it.

The thing is you must breath, we need air to survive; be it quickly or slowly every breath of this glorious air will contribute to your inevitable demise. It is up to you to pick your VICE; passive contentment, reckless adventure or disconcerting necessity.
Perhaps this analogy is extreme, at the very least debatable (i.e. the importance placed on women in my life); however it is not half as interesting as women themselves.

When these thoughts crowd my brain I am often reminded of the lyrics of green day's "basket case". There is a room reserved for me at the islands mental health facility. HA!

The sun will come out - tomorrow.....blah,blah,blah

Another day has began with the interruption of yet another dream which remains incomprehensible, dotted with familiar faces in an incoherent sequence of events. My cell phone alarms in its usual irritating tone that forces you to pay attention only to have it SHUT UP (all while fighting the urge to smash the piece of shit against the wall). And immediately, I feel the need to write. My eyes are red, raw from inadequate sleep which has become the signature of my nights over the last few months.

So the routine begins, put water to boil so I can have a bath; this is as close as I am going to get to hot and cold running water right now. Shake some water in my mouth, because I could not be bothered to actually brush my teeth so damn early in that cold water. Besides morning breath is best. HA! I think about what's in the house to shovel down my throat (food, sometimes it's to much of a task to eat and I wonder couldn't food be like air; just inhale without thinking about how) before I put on my costume for the daily dress rehearsal for the play in which I seem to have a token role but this play is never seen, never produced, never attended.

And so the day begins, the routine, my first ba ba for the day as I step out the house, hooves clean, wool well groomed, a pristine white, lead by an invisible shepard, with a big stick. Ah! how exciting.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Stress - there are many definitions, but I prefer the one I saw on a t-shirt many years ago: "the confusion created by ones mind to resist the urge to choke the living shit out of some asshole who desperately deserves it." Fuck! Sometimes I feel I could just scream. Is, "you always think it is all about you", just a nice way to say fuck you, you really think you are that important to me. I never asked to be the center of any ones universe; I'm not the fucking sun, nothing revolves around me, so why the fuck even utter that shit to me. Sometimes I feel like I could just flip everybody the bird and disappear to some unknown remote dot in the water. Whether you communicate, mis-communicate or don't communicate at all, the result is the same. What the fuck! I appreciate the concept of hermits and bachelors. I sometimes long for those more carefree, no need to take anyones feeling into consideration, come and go as you please days. Today is one of those days.

After life

Funerals are so inherently morbid; depressing. Yesterday my wife buried her father. There was not much of a father daughter relationship but the absence of that relationship does not void the action, process or state of grief. I have never lost; physically anyway, anyone close to me, therefore I can't fully understand this pain.

Why do people wear black at funerals? Black is always less vibrant and more depressingly morose at funerals. Of what little I knew about his life I am left to wonder; did he die on 10 February or was he dead a long time ago? Was his lifestyle a desperate plea for his creator to hasten the inevitable, or was it a distraction from life itself?

At funerals they always talk about the celebration of the persons life; but I can not recall ever attending a funeral and seeing a celebration of life. If that's what passes for a celebration of life then the gift of life was truly wasted on a number of us, or those left behind are to stricken by grief to be lucid enough to appreciate the meaning of the word celebrate.

The ceremony is always melancholic, the hymns somber, weather almost always brooding; perhaps fitting for the occasion. Must it be so? What if we never went to a church (not in life or death); what if we decided to celebrate the persons life in the same manner the person lived their life.

Would that person be less welcomed in the kingdom of god (assuming that you believe in a place of golden streets, milk and honey and eternal life being in a seemingly drug induced state of euphoria, or an eternal life of having a hot pitch fork stuck in your ass). Must we even in the after life put on a show for god, must we persist with being sheep? If god is as omnipresent and omnipotent as we have been made to believe, then he would know we trying to bluff him; no. So why the farce? Why not just live and enter the after life on your terms, if you believe in the after life then you have an eternity to enjoy or regret the decisions you made when you were alive; but forever is not a life (or living), it's an existence.

Monday, February 16, 2009


So today I got the results for the exam I sat in December, and I passed. HOORAY!!! I knew I would from the moment I walked out of the exam room, I'm not excited about the grade but I am excited that I passed. I guess that's kinda what inspired me to just do this blog. It's amazing that at the time of my life where I had the most drama (and I use the word loosely), was the time I was most able to focus and get my work done. I got plenty encouragement to focus and forget the distractions that were going on around me. It taught me a good lesson; that even when people a being assholes and self righteous, you can walk away with something good from them. They mean well, they, like me just sometimes don't even realise how big an asshole they're being.

Virgin territory

So this is my first posting on my blog. Wow!!! I have been thinking about doing this for a while now. Somewhere to express myself, share my thoughts and see if there are any other similar minded people out there who share my views, my frustrations, my disappointments etc. I wanted to do this no later than the birthday of my son, who will be one year next month. But then I thought, there is no time like the present. So like a good friend of mine said to me the best time to start anything you want to do is now. This is the first in many posting to come. I'm a novice at this but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

Sun kissed

Sun kissed sand colored skin lay bare A tapestry of eroticism glowing with desire Seeping lascivious proclivities, whispering Taunting, teas...