Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vacancy - apply within

What do you do when you can't recognise the reflection of the person in the mirror? It's suppose to be you looking back right. It dawns on you one day that there is a vacancy notice where you are suppose to be, and you're not sure whether you have the qualifications to fill the post.

We're living an existence missing out on life. I suppose the question would be how do you live life, what does that mean. We fall into routine, because there must be order and purpose to everything. If our existence has purpose, then why are so many of us wandering about so lost and empty in this purposeful and purpose filled life.

Sadly I have no answers. These are just my musings. Those little thoughts in my head which won't allow me a moments peace. How can I have peace of mind with the racket going on in my head? How do I quiet the mind? I'm not sure that I can. If I were a religious man I would turn to prayer; there is the alternative of being spiritual, but there is only some much scotch I can drink and that in itself solves nothing; I could seek higher peace and blaze up a fat one, but then I must come down from the high. So I write. It seems to at least place a muzzle on the cacophony and reduces it to a painless whimper.

The human mind, the developed functioning human mind, it's fascinatingly disturbing at times. I wonder if the fellas up in de heights smoking dere herbal panacea and eating shrubs ever have those lingering thoughts of vacancy. Like a shell, you know those nice ones you pick up while strolling aimlessly on the beach, really pretty on the outside but absolutely nothing left on the inside.

The thoughts seem to be dissipating, the orchestra playing it's last note. Perhaps tonight I will sleep long and deep.

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