Thursday, February 19, 2009


For an unnecessarily protracted period I have been reading "The Seven Habits of Effective People" You know one of those self help books. But after some time I grew tired of it and desired a change of pace; so I set it aside and picked up two books by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "Memories of my Melancholy Whores" ( I was sold on the name) and "One Hundred Years Of Solitude".

I had already read his book " Love in the Time of Cholera" and because it was a good read I figured what the hell.

But I digress.

It's interesting how you sometimes feel inspired by these self help books and these books purporting to give new recycled insight on the "mysteries of life" ( reminds me of a hymn) and how limitless our power to resolve the world (and our) issues are. All you have to do is believe and dig down deep, and poof, shit happens. BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!

Then it happens. You stop to ponder. Perhaps I am just one of the many uninspiring and uninspired who will continue to talk and think with such superficial intelligence inspired by the latest read; but would actually not have changed meaningfully anything in my life. Or, has my thought process changed, even incrementally; am I unconsciously changing the direction/flow of the cogs of the universe. HA! The thought is dismissed with the same speed it entered your head and you are back on that path, seeking enlightenment. BA BA BA!!!

Can you find a deeper meaning to life between the pages of a book written by some self proclaimed guru of neo-know-how of the existence that passes us for life. Perhaps there is more to learn of life from living it yourself rather than vicariously.

The religious among us will say you need only turn to the good book to find inspiration and the deeper meaning to life.

But the good book is a posting/blog all on its own.

A good friend of mine (Hadron) introduced me to the law of attraction, you know "the secret". But the peddlers of "the secret" omitted (deliberately or otherwise) the inherent difficulty in maintaining positive thoughts in a polar opposite world. There is a natural balance to life, the yin and yang; though it would seem a bit skewed of late, with the increase in the less than pleasant events occurring around us. It begs the question; are there more negative energies out there attracting like energies and actions, hurriedly drowning out the positive?

Recent events have found me asking, are human beings inherently wicked? Is what we see of our fellow homo sapiens a show to remain in the good graces of the wind which we worship/pay homage to on a Saturday, Sunday, Mid-week; depending on your dogmatic affliction, in these brick and mortar market places of hope, unquestionable faith and unwavering conviction of deliverance from our consternation of this life.

Much effort goes into thinking about how we can be good and kind to another human being (it's a strenuous exercise); but little to no gray matter is wasted on some act of wickedness. Perhaps a fleeting moment of hesitation. It is the absence of hesitation that turns into action with painful consequences. But the thought of a wicked act takes no pause, almost like a premature ejaculation it spits out to the front of your mind.

It comes so naturally we don't even realise we have committed the act. Alas, no deed goes unpunished; in this life or the next.

I truly find human beings to be despicable, sometimes unworthy of the gift of higher intelligence; at least the animals have the excuse of a less evolved brain. What's ours?

My skin has been hijacked, my humanness reposed for a better time.

E.T. come home!


  1. Je suis d'accord avec votre dernier rapport. Nous sommes vraiment ignobles et n'avons aucune excuse.Au moins les animaux peuvent réclamer l'ignorance ou le manque de raison.

    Parfois je suis affligé par notre humanité et dois se conformer. Les animaux sont plus chanceux que nous

  2. I'm sure I would appreciate this comment if only I could understand it; creole and french are as distinct as oil and water. But thanks.


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