Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The sun will come out - tomorrow.....blah,blah,blah

Another day has began with the interruption of yet another dream which remains incomprehensible, dotted with familiar faces in an incoherent sequence of events. My cell phone alarms in its usual irritating tone that forces you to pay attention only to have it SHUT UP (all while fighting the urge to smash the piece of shit against the wall). And immediately, I feel the need to write. My eyes are red, raw from inadequate sleep which has become the signature of my nights over the last few months.

So the routine begins, put water to boil so I can have a bath; this is as close as I am going to get to hot and cold running water right now. Shake some water in my mouth, because I could not be bothered to actually brush my teeth so damn early in that cold water. Besides morning breath is best. HA! I think about what's in the house to shovel down my throat (food, sometimes it's to much of a task to eat and I wonder couldn't food be like air; just inhale without thinking about how) before I put on my costume for the daily dress rehearsal for the play in which I seem to have a token role but this play is never seen, never produced, never attended.

And so the day begins, the routine, my first ba ba for the day as I step out the house, hooves clean, wool well groomed, a pristine white, lead by an invisible shepard, with a big stick. Ah! how exciting.

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