Friday, February 20, 2009

Now you see it now you don't

So I got into town this afternoon after having sat through traffic long enough on the staff bus to actually exchange more than ten words with a colleague. I exceeded my quota for my mood and weather this afternoon.

Finally town; I'm heading straight to the ATM because I broke. I am as financially broke now as our leaders are intellectually broke. The friendly neighbourhood spider has taken up residence in my wallet. If I could only sell the wallet I would be set for the rest of the month.

Made it across from the square to the bank having survived the stench that is now Castries. I pass this guy along the way who grew up in my neighbourhood, now he lives on the street; actually I smelled him before I saw him. He lost the ability to smell himself some time ago, I can tell.

Time to withdraw what is left of my relatively huge salary. Ah! relative to what, clearly I have been mislead about what is huge. I hurriedly insert my card, anticipating the pleasure of the reward almost always guaranteed at the end of inserting anything hard into a tight narrow hole (oh stop it).

And you know the freaking machine takes my card. Some lazy smart ass in his nennen, tampered with the machine to deprive me and some other unsuspecting schmuck of his/her hard earned money. Now I'm worse off than five minutes ago, because not only do I have no money but I have no card to get money anywhere else. GREAT!!! But wait it gets better. As I am walking away from the ATM, (no I don't meet my rich uncle; as if) it begins to rain.

Now I'm waiting for this rain to stop and I am joined by two female co-workers. They apparently start babbling about the appropriateness of the weather for the ever pleasurable horizontal dance from which life and many a divorce spring; and something or the other about my participation in this feverish dance. God only knows how I enjoy dancing. But today, at this particular point, I am in no frame of mind for this senseless drivel. It seems the rain has stopped so I step out from under the building, and like a freaking tom and jerry cartoon the damn rain starts again. I swear it felt like the cloud was following only me.

Oh what the hell; I'm familiar with water, after all I still have the ability to tell when I smell fwekish. I continue to walk in the rain. And suddenly I am reminded of this lovely ray of sunshine, with curves of a goddess and a vibrance guaranteed to brighten any rainy day, who has a love for rainy days; and I smile. To the curious onlooker it may seem like I had just gone off the deep end; but I am still firmly planted on terra firma.

Then I wonder why such love (perhaps love is too strong a word; but it sounds better than really like) for the rain, is it because it is easier to cry openly in the rain without receiving disconcerting stares, or is it the feeling of being cleansed, purified albeit temporarily of transgressions past. Perhaps its just the feel of every drop beating down on your skin, the feeling of being alone in that moment, even when people are scampering along trying to escape this blessing.

Ah! the rain, it washed away my concern of being broke. I found myself lost in the smell and the feel of the rain on my skin; the concern of the disappointment of no money was no more.

Tomorrow I'll probably be sick. Oh well I enjoyed the moment.

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