Monday, April 12, 2010

Dreaming again - thankfully

It's been a while since I can recall dreaming, and an even longer time I can recall dreaming about fighting. This morning I dreamt the recurring theme of my most intense dreams - this morning I fought hard against the forces of evil. The ones that would seek to destroy me and everything I hold dear. As usual it was a struggle in which I was not the likely hero - the bad guy fighting bad guys who went over board and threatened what was mine - what was my safe area; restricted access.

The battle was fierce, like it always is; and I felt defeated - there are always multiple foes and seemingly insurmountable odds. But as usual, I always find that bit of inner strength, that will to say that I am fighting for something that my foes can never comprehend - and for that I will never give up. I will take the beating repeatedly, but rise to my feet with every blow. I will be triumphant.

I am often the victor in my battles - I win more than I lose; and when I do lose, I dust myself off and go back. I will have what I want in this life, no matter what obstacles stand in my way - I'm not a quitter; this is my life to determine how it goes.

This morning, I woke up - lay on my bed and prayed. I washed the dishes, made breakfast and spoke to my North Wind. He/she gives me hope, that no matter what, I will succeed, and when the chips seem like there down, there is a brighter tomorrow. There is much to be thankful for, most of all that I have the strength to get up the next day and go at it again. I have the love and support of family and friends; and when my strength and theirs is not enough - I have my ever visible invisibly endless supply of energy, love and support.


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