Saturday, March 21, 2009

Warring Allies

It's Saturday afternoon and on the tube they are playing Will Smith's movie Seven Pound; and it got me thinking. It's a movie about great sacrifice, not sure that many or any human being would really be so selfless, but hey it's Hollywood where happily ever after and fairy tales are as real as the skin that plays host to the flesh beneath the hollowness of your existence.

Anyway, it really got me thinking, not in a really profound way but at a superficial level; what is the problem with love. And there always is, of varying degrees but there always is. You fall in love with someone, but that person does not reciprocate; you love someone but that someone does not even know that you love them (secret admirer); you love someone whom you know you can't be with, you can't have; you love someone so intensely that you know it must be bad; you love someone and they beat you (sounds familiar).

There is just so many ways that love goes wrong . Yet we persist, we search it out, we get disappointed, heartbroken (almost literally) by this copious source of consternation yet we yearn for that experience. Leads me to think that human beings are gluttons for punishment, for suffering. Ever notice the great pains we put ourselves through ostensibly to ultimately redound to our benefit; like going to the gym for hours, enduring physical pain to keep our bodies healthy and in shape for the long run.

Didn't the son of the north wind come to earth over 2000 years ago so that we would not have to suffer any more. What happened? Was there an expiration date on pain and suffering, is that why he must return? What ever it is, it seems that we can not exists in this life without one form of pain or another.

But love, man love, generations have been through its boot camp, its battlefield, and generations will continue to engage it; the rules of engagement always having the same end result. The heart wants what it wants. The pain that then ensues is the inability for the warring factions of the heart and the brain to reconcile its wants, needs, desires. The hearts never wants to listen to what the brain says it should want, need or desire.

And the battle rages on.

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