I penned a musing some weeks ago which was meant to be a follow up to my posting titled "Assistance", it was suppose to focus on how men deal with assistance; but I never got around to posting it. Didn't like it much, it sounded forced. There was a pretty graphic description of a man walking in on his woman in a rather pleasurable position; and the options available to him in dealing with the surprise of the encounter.
Most men choice to walk away from the relationship, egos bruised, some feeling betrayed, som
e vindicated, some indifferent. Walking away is sometimes the easiest way/excuse to be released from the proverbial ball and chain that some of these relationships turn out to be. When you lack the testicular fortitude to out right say you want out, walking away after confirming assistance is preferred option.

Ultimately no man or woman wants to know that they are receiving unsolicited assistance in matters of conjugal forays; irrespective of how much they consider themselves to be realist, or in an "open relationship". Unfortunately, socialisation and the objectification of our pleasurable parts make that difficult.

The truth more often than not devastates all parties in varying degrees. Those who have been through it know that; and so say what needs to be said to put the hearts and minds of loved ones at ease. Every body wants peace of mind. But then they are some who could not bother with the niceties or care to save anyone the pain of the truth.
In the battle of the sexes I suppose it is easier to cede that women are the victors. They are perhaps better able to deal, cope (or whatever other word you wish to use) with the sexual proclivities of their partners. To the victor goes the spoils.
Assistance is a dance like many others requiring two willing people; there must be complicity. I don't believe that any one sex deals better with knowledge of assistance; we just choice to deal with it differently.
No one is truly a realist about assistance; but saying so sure sounds good.
Experience is one hell of a teacher.
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