Monday, August 8, 2016


There is no mold for the human condition, of the billions of people on earth you will be hard pressed to find two persons who are similar in every respect. Yet as part of the human condition we accept certain inalienable truths, certain behavioral parameters – and we accept standards for ourselves and others. One of our failings as is just that, the notion that we should all think, feel and act the same way in every given situation, like there is an unwritten rule that “this is what a good human should do, should feel, should say…” But nothing is further from the truth.

Invariably our difficulty with other humans is that they are not just like us; while we say we accept people’s differences that is not truly the case – acceptance is void of judgment; we merely tolerate opposing views. We struggle with empathy, and that is understandable as it is difficult to empathize something which is obscure to you. Human emotion is fluid, the fluidity of which is rooted in personal experience – sometimes emotions are bartered for human logic and rational; emotion and logic are incongruent at worst, strange bedfellows at best.

What does all this meandering mean? To be honest I am not quite certain, suffice to say that I have accepted, or perhaps not – perhaps I am tolerating the fact that the human condition is wonderful complex; and its complexity contributes to the lovely tapestry of human beings.

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