Monday, August 8, 2016

Final Destination

Death has a way of bringing the brevity of life into sharp focus for those left behind in the wake of the passing of a loved one, family, friend and yes even acquaintance. It causes you a moments pause, to contemplate what really matters and the significance we place on the innocuous.

But just like life, these moments of profound introspection are fleeting, short lived; the lifespan inextricably tied to the life of the wave of emotions by which we're awashed having received the news of death. We ponder on the brevity of life, not so much the permanence of death, yet they are not mutually exclusive. Our moments of clarity fades quickly, dies a natural death, and rest in perfect peace, until it is resurrected by the next death.

We consume life in palatable pieces; death being that bitter entree, which taste we hasten to expel from our palate. But it remains a necessary evil, like work on a Monday, you don't wanna go through it but you must in order to get to the better days which lay ahead.

For us to truly become better human beings we need to treat our moments of clarity and introspection with the same permanence of death, rather than the fleeting brevity of life.

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