Monday, November 18, 2013

Live and let Live!

I really need to learn to be more accepting of people's view points, opinions, which differ from mine. I accept that the world comprises different people, people with varying ideologies, at it is those difference that make human beings the wonderful creatures they are, but it baffles me at times the thinking of people, it especially baffles me as to how judgmental we can be as human beings. I say we, because I do not exclude myself from one of those who pass judgement on my fellow humans actions - I try hard to not judge, especially not knowing the circumstances which birthed the situation, and being cognizant that everyone's journey in life is not intended to be the same. 

But it really rubs me wrong when persons jump on their moral high horses and look down at people, it bothers me more when they too are less than pristine in moral virtue. I suppose by that assumption, every wrong doing should be overlooked because we too have err, no, that is not what I'm saying. Admittedly, there are some actions which are more morally reprehensible than others, and these should be frowned upon, but then there are those we need not pull out our rod of judgement for, or at the very least take time to consider all the facts - beyond that we need to learn to accept that the only life we have control over is our own, at let people live their lives as they please once they are not breaking the law or causing harm to anyone else. Live and let Live!

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