Friday, April 19, 2013

Ever Hopeful

I'm feeling a bit out of it this morning; between the restless night and the weird dreams about venomous cold blooded reptiles, it's safe to say I did not wake up on the right side of my bed. I really just wanted to stay on my bed and not have to deal with the world today; in the words of 3 doors down " I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind, I left my body laying somewhere in the sands of time..." Yeah, that kinda captured it for me - just vanish for a bit let my mind rest, let it ventilate; inhale clean fresh untainted, untroubled air and just let out the old; unclutter my mind, let go of my worries and just be.

I've been irritable and snapping for the last few days - just a bit on edge, partly because of inadequate sleep, partly because I have not learned to let go and have faith that everything will be all right - that no state of discomfort is permanent; and even as I type these words, with this knowledge in my head, it eases my mind none.

Let me digress for a minute. I pondered a few words read from a message not intended for me last night; and allow me to paraphrase a bit - this situation has taught me some lessons. I could not help but wonder what lessons have been learnt. Which also made me think of a couple things; 1.) learning, like all things, is relative, relative to the situation, relative to the person, relative to a number of variables - what you take away  from a situation, may not be what I take away from it; learning is relative to the individual; and 2.) which is related to 1.) learning is based on the perception of the individual doing the learning; and what you think someone should learn is not always what they are susceptible to learn.

Life offers us many opportunities and many lessons from which to learn, which hopefully contribute to us being better more wholistic individuals - sometimes we learn those lessons, other times they go clear over our head. I guess if everyone saw the world through my eyes, the world would be quite a dull place; and I may grow tired and irritate and my mirror mental images - so, with that I learn that things are the way they are because they need to be - you work with the situations you are presented with, make the best of all situations and be thankful that you made it to and from what ever ordeals life throws at you.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program. I am not too happy with this feeling and mood I'm in this morning, perhaps it's simply insufficient sleep, maybe it is needless worry, what ever it is, I will take it in stride, make it through another day, wake up (hopefully) to another dawn and be thankful that I have an opportunity to improve on yesterday.

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