Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Family time (part 2)

Between driving and shopping - yes shopping, I have been doing most of my own shopping, like 98% of it - I am tired. Truth be told there has not been enough family time, we have had some moments of conversation on the porch but we could do with some more. I think today is going to be my last day of shopping for the week, maybe :-), I wanted a new wardrobe and that is exactly what I'm getting but it is exhausting at times. Interesting though that for my first time in the US I have little photos to show for it - oh well I suppose too much on the go to stop for a photo opp.

The Hummer - overrated, but nice to look at
My time here with my family, and watching my nephews play with each other and with J has made me give thought to a second child (I have a momentary shudder at the thought). Watching the brothers interact reminds me of Miguel and Yanique - I never had that type of interaction with my siblings, still don't really - but it makes me want that for him...granted there is no guarantee that he will, but it would be nice.

We went to the movies night before with Michael (my nephew) and his girl to watch "Inception" - interesting flick...dollar for dollar it is cheaper to go to the movies here; but when we convert the currency the price of one movie here is like paying for two of us to go to the movies home. But what the hell, I wanted to see the damn movie. We may go see "Salt" next.

So today we're off to the mall again, yesterday was suppose to be my last day shopping, but after we visited our cousin Josian in Hartford (did I mention, I've been driving), the exhaustion from the previous days tour of duty caught up with us so we made one stop and headed home.

I still have not gotten use to how late the sun sets here - it did not set till 9 last night; it was so bright out at minutes to 7 last night I had to check 2 clocks and confirm with my brother - when my sister called from home my mom said good afternoon in the confusion of night that is not day.

We may head down to New York on Friday and the amusement park - the days are melding into each other, but I'm enjoying my family vacation.

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