Monday, July 26, 2010

Family time (part 1)

Monday 26 July, day three of my vacation (although I spent the entire Friday travelling - so I suppose that day doesn't count); and somewhere between sleep and wake, a thought of the last conversation with my supervisor crosses my semi-conscious mind...did he say he would call me today to discuss work...wait, was he serious. Hold on, on my first ever vacation with my family, my first visit to the US (after years of my brother asking me to visit), at some point during this day - irrespective of where I am and what I'm doing, am I suppose to make myself available to discuss Geneva...WTF.

I think perhaps he had a temporary lapse in judgement - he's usually better at this. I have never disturbed him on his vacation, and even when I have tried he defers my request for assistance/feedback until his return (be it two days, a week or three months). I think he's under pressure.

Ok, on to brighter thinks. I've done a bit of shopping...not a big shopper, the process is exhausting, but thankfully Sofie and Ma are here and they are better shoppers than my brother, my nephews, my child and I are going to lime while they shop :-). My brother's licence was suspended for DUI a few months before I got up here - bummer; but guess what, I'm driving and he's the co-pilot, how cool is that - my first time to the US and I'm driving around already (thankfully he lives in Connecticut). The one sour spot so far is that I've noted that the Americans I have encountered are ill mannered...they lack the basic social upbringing to greet someone, something as simple as hello, good morning/afternoon/night. Oh well, I suppose when you are the greatest nation on earth common courtesy is not a must :-(. Ah, but my brother's children born and raised here have the small island manners, I  love it.

This is the most I have interacted with my nephews from the time they were born. Malik is quite loquacious while Zivan is taciturn - an interesting combination considering they have the same parents and are barely a year apart in age - Michael their older brother seems to be a mix of the two (I like him, he's mellow, humble - not that I don't like the other two). Anyway, my brother made coco tea, so I'm off to have breakfast and chill with my family...coincidentally my phone went dead last night and I brought the wrong attachment for the charger...I won't be leaving the house till this afternoon to get one, and I won't be back home till evening to  charge my phone - I guess Geneva will just have to wait one more day :-).

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