Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ok so I limed

My head throbs, my eyes burn and my nose is stuffy, all but the last are the side effects of an unplanned night of liming and inadequate sleep. I left home last night with no specific intent to end up liming - at least not liming by my standard definition (ask me what that is when you see - it will give me enough time to think of one). As per usual I popped in by my cousin for a few, then it was off to an after work lime of one of the new carnival bands for 2010 - Chaos (actually I'm not sure whether they spell it with a K or a C). Linked up with a few buddies there then it was off to Happy Day bar - so much for not liming right.

I met albeit briefly (but long enough) an interesting gentle man from Jamaica. I had seen him before with another Jamaican buddy of mine but never bothered to engage him in conversation. He was having a drink of course, after all he was at a bar, but what I found interesting was that he was a recovering alcoholic - of course he was having a non-alcoholic drink. I thought briefly, why is a recovering alcohol at a bar; it has been five years since he has touched the devil's nectar. He related some of his story to me; some of the usual, how alcohol kept him from his family, how he could not see the damage it was causing no matter what they said; the constant excuse he made to himself to justify his continued consumption, until of course it came to a head and he decided he needed to get his shit together. He said the most interesting thing was his marriage, he's separated from his wife but they are in counselling. But what he said next made me laugh a bit - he said having quit drinking he started seeing things he had not noticed before and he found himself asking; who is this woman I married.

We continued speaking for a while then I excused myself to go check another buddy. I've never had such a brief and interesting conversation with anyone at a bar. Can I tell you, that was probably the highlight of my night. The drinking continued until I was ready to head home - that was about 2:30am. So much for not liming. And now I'm here, head throbbing eyes burning, my alarm went off at 5am, I accidentally put it to alarm for this morning, that added to J being in one of his moods, and the intermittent replays of the nights events did not make for a good morning.

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