Sleep the final frontier. Between Jabari, allergies, shoulder pain, hunger, the cold, oh, and my dreams, sleep is becoming as undiscovered as space was to the crew of the Enterprise. I have lost count of the number of times my sleep as been interrupted for the night. Despite my fatigue and my attempt to retire early this evening, I have been prematurely awaken for one reason or another - it is as unwelcomed and unsatisfying as a premature ejaculation. This must be some sick practical joke of the north wind, perhaps punishment for some misdeed - considering my misdeeds of biblical proportions, if this is the punishment I should take it gladly and be thankful for the clemency shown by my benevolent big staff willeding shepherd.
Oh well, I thank him for everything that is sent my way good and bad, because something good comes out of everything, even in the least of circumstances there is something to be learnt that can bring about some improvement in ones life. Truth be told though, I'm struggling with grasping the underlying concept of this lesson - I'm sometimes slow on the up take.
I think I'm going to attempt a re-entry to lala land, Jabari is sleeping, I took some allergy medication, and ate a bowl of cereal - the rest I leave up to the north wind. Thank you for the roof over my head and the bed on which I lay. Amen
I have of late taken the view that no matter how rebellious, unconventional, non-conformist we would like to think ourselves, we are at some point always part of a similar grouping of people. We are never truly leaders, but followers. Followers, I prefer to refer to us as sheep; because at one point or another in our life we are all sheep. This is a place to express myself, vent my frustration with the sheepdom, and relieve my boredom. It is my therapy for all that contributes to my neurosis.
Monday, February 15, 2010
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Sun kissed
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