Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fake love

For some reason which is not at this moment clear to me, I thought about Valentine's day today - God only knows why. I'm not a fan of the day; I think it represents a farce for what passes for love on that day. It's the one celebration I can say irritates me - I think one of the things that irritates me most about it is the expectations of the day that is built up in the heads of people...more specifically women. Why should I or anyone else on that one day, say or show more affection? Do I love you or show you I love you any less the day before or the day after? Why is it men tend to get boof up more if they don't do anything on that day for their woman? But if the woman does not make a fuss then it's ok.

People say Valentine’s Day has lost its meaning. Did it really have one to begin with? As far as I'm concerned it's a day to spend money on frivolous things so that at the end of that day or night you are rewarded with sex - and really if that is all it is about I can have sex year round without being disingenuous about my motives for expressing a genuine emotion such as love.


  1. Then why do we celebrate other days such as father's day and mother's day as well? Am I less of a mother or father before and after this day? Is that the one day that qualifies one as a parent? HMMMMMMMM. Why celebrate any day at all. What are your views on anniversaries?

  2. Days like father's day, mother's day and even anniversaries (to a less extent) to me don't carry ulterior motives - specifically the ulterior motive of getting some. You may argue that not all people approach V day with that intent, but by and large the majority do - and the minority do it subconsciously. If you want to have sex don't do it under the guise of "love", you want to fuck, just fuck.

    I don't want to have sex with my mother or father and anniversaries, especially with me, is a celebration that we actually made to another year. :-)


Sun kissed

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