Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Axis of Evil

I highly suspect there are a few if not many people who believe me to be latently evil in one way or another. While I admit to having some pretty twisted thoughts along with breaking a commandment or few, to say or think that I'm evil seems a bit extreme. Then again to the highly religious if I scream out "Oh God" at the point of my climax that would be considered a sin punishable by stoning.

I got into this long discussion about good and evil, the devil and god with a colleague earlier today; no doubt after realising the errors of his ways he thought I should reexamine my life. I try to respect every ones life choices and I expect that people would do the same when it comes to me - but that would be asking alot. We are not all cut from the same cloth and are not all expected to walk the same path. The North Wind in his/her wisdom gave me the ability to choose my path, being cognisant of the consequences of the path I choose. Why won't mere man allow me to walk that path with out handing me a map to their path - I don't need a map to point me to the east, if where I want to go is west.

The religious have a hard time following the directions on their own map. Revelations 20:8 says "He will go out to deceive Gog and Magog, the nations in the four corners of the earth, and gather them for war. They will be as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore." I'm no bible scholar but it seems to me that there will be alot of evil people to fight this war of the ages. Didn't the religious nuts read this part of the bible - didn't they understand that there must be evil; it is the natural balance of life. If we were all good there would be nothing to fight for, nothing to aspire to, nothing to even let you know that the life you are living is good. Evil is necessary; day can not exist without night and vice versa, humans are inherently endowed with the propensity for good and evil acts. The important thing is maintaining the balance.

Funny this discussion about god, the devil, good and evil stemmed from a conversation about infidelity. I can only deduce then that to cheat is to be evil - the new axis of evil is in my pants.

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