Thursday, November 26, 2009

A - Team

I have been feeling the need to write - to post something about something, anything and nothing all wrapped in one. My writer got an itch which must be scratched. Believe it or not there have been little blog worthy musings of late - I suppose there is little I'm pissed off about and I am bored with blogging about women (for now).

The plan was to not blog till my birthday which is a few days away; but you know how plans go right. Plans rarely go through as planned. Case in point I planned out repeatedly in my head how I was going to start this posting, guess what I have departed from my plan, I couldn't remember(so much for Ginkgo Biloba). I planned a number of things I wanted to do this week but for one reason or another my plans have had to take slight detours.

It has become evident to me that planning is not my cup of tea, things seem to work better when I fly by the sit of my pants. The extent of my plan should be I want X - the how I will get to X is irrelevant, because if I plan a direct route to X there will be something that will throw me off course; but I will eventually get to some version of X (maybe a lower casing x) but I'll get to X,x.

Someone once said if you want to make the North Wind (AKA God) laugh, tell him/her your plans. One should always be mindful of Murphy's Law and plan accordingly.

So I guess that was it then, my posting about something, anything and nothing all wrapped in one. Cheers

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