Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More IB anyone

Ok this one has been brewing for about a week now, I have to get it out. Not that it warrants any serious discussion, I just felt like ranting a bit (albeit uselessly). Last week while reading the BBC Caribbean news in brief I came across an article that after the first couple paragraphs had me gleeful. But all good feelings come to an end; as did mine by the time I got to the third sentence of the third paragraph of the article. The article was about the ruling handed down by a judge in a landmark cyberspace case in Dominica.

In the article the judge ruled that three particularly malicious gossipmongers ( gossipmongers are malicious by definition, but these three real special) photo shopped the head of a former beauty contestant onto some female body engaged in sexual intercourse and emailed the damn thing all over the place. The court found them guilty of defamation and charged them $525,000.00 (they will paying that fine till the arthritis, osteoporisis, alzheimer - take your pick of old age ailments, takes over their ability to click send). You could not imagine my elation when I read that, finally I thought them damn gossipmongers get a chok (they got what was coming to them). On a side note, wasn't it in Dominica earlier this year where a guy attack his girlfriend's girlfriends for telling her he was horning her. The nature isle boy, it seems something else is part of their nature.

Right, so what got me peeved by the third paragraph. The story would go on to say and I quote "Dominica police were informed in 2007 about material circulating on the internet that targeted a number of well-known women on the island, alleging they had been involved in sexually explicit acts and other immoral behaviour." What the hell? Ok, you still trying to figure out what I vex about - "...and other immoral behaviour." Maybe it's writing technique, perhaps I misread, but it seems to imply that sexually explicit acts are some how immoral behaviour. Since when? Sex, immoral, for true - may be I'm wrong, but in these emails aren't people usually having sex, all types of sex (anal, oral, homo, hetro etc). So what immoral with sex again?

What happen to us and sex? Once sex is not discussed within the confines of the bedroom, watering holes, or for cheap political points - then it is dirty, lewd, immoral among other names heaped upon one of the most beautiful experiences on this planet. Is sex outside the constructs of what is socially acceptable immoral - if it is not sanctioned by the father, son and holy spirit, does that make it immoral. If what you do with and as a consenting adult some how makes it way to the internet, is the act of sex immoral - or is the act of posting the sex act on the internet immoral. What's wrong with these people on their moral high horses. They should probably try having more good sex (emphasis of good, otherwise the will become more frustrated), they would be too sated by the experience to bother them themselves with such frivolities, labelling and mischief.

Ok, now that I have gotten that out of my system I can get back to engaging in my own "immoral behaviour". Enough useless ranting, which just goes to prove my point, if I was having good sex right now I would not have time to write this shit.


  1. i share the same sentiments. while discussing this exact topic in my office one day, i gave my views and someone told me that i had no values. maybe i said, but are u aware IB that got us all here. what's the diff if it's behind closed doors? i don't get it.

  2. It would seem that once you are not in agreement with those saddling the moral high horses then you have no morals. The person who came up with that word and the notions behind it should be shot. The notion purports to hold all human behave to the same standard as if we lack the cognitive capacity to be different. Fuck the world live your life - the consequences are between you and your maker; once you can live with it you good.


Sun kissed

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