Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Full of chat ...

I would like to consider myself a man of action (of course that is just my own opinion of myself and no other opinion of me matters - ha). It is incredibly irritating to me when people run off at the mouth and when it comes time to act on their many words they find themselves immobilized as if they were wearing cement boots. Bloody hell either do what you say you are going to do or shut the fuck up.

Either deliver on your word or don't give your word - it's really simple. Don't build people up to let them down. Ok that being said, I'm going to bed - it's 12:51am and I'm going to have a hell of a time getting out of bed in the next 5 hours. When you read this, don't bother ask me what I was ranting about, I either won't tell you, make up a story, or I probably would not freaking remember. Hey I just finishing writing the second page of the book - feels good; I think I'm going to hand it off to my partner and see where he takes it from where I ended.

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