Thursday, October 15, 2009


There is a general misconception that accounting is all about figures; believe it or not more than a decade ago I thought the same. I have since learned the truth. Between yesterday and today I have read pages of information, all in an effort to ensure that what ever I write in my report can not be disputed. My last two years as an internal auditor has been a different experience from the previous 9 years in the accounting profession. People really do not like to see criticism about their work in black and white - I have seen sides of my colleagues that I prefer not to see over the last two years. Greetings from my colleagues have moved from "hey how you doing" to "what you want now" and "you again."

When it's slow, it's slow, but when the work comes it is taxing on the brain - I feel briefly alive at work, purposefully. I enjoy the firing of my neurons, after all the were not given to me by the great North Wind to lay un-utilised. Today was draining, partly because I was out liming last night, but more so because I used my brain. Damn it feels good to be tired from work.

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