Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stay tuned

I'm growing tired of writing about my existence and giving myself advice in my blog that I don't take. It should be enough that I am otherwise content/happy in the other aspects of my life - but seeing that the greater part of the day is spent working it would seem that getting that one right is more important for now. Why can't I make decent money doing what I enjoy and not have to leave St. Lucia. I love my little island, I love life here - it is me. I don't want the fast pace of the metropolitan but I want the opportunity for professional fulfillment that it brings. Man that sucks. Fuck it! I'll find a way to have this how I want.

These were the words I typed to a friend today as the thoughts leaped out of my head and onto the computer screen. It would seem that I had a moment of clarity. So in true secret fashion, I have the thought of the what in my head - I have the tools to achieve the what; right now the only uncertainty is the path and the duration to get to that path, but fuck it the universe will figure out the rest. I'll tell you how that turns out.

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