Wednesday, September 16, 2009


"...Am I going to burn in hell for all the things I did..." These words from the song "Shook ones part II" by Mobb Deep bounced around my head today. Not that I believe in a literal heaven or hell - these concepts to me a relative to your circumstances. But that did not stop the words from echoing around every mangled turn in my brain. I thought of these words and as I did a crooked smile came to my face, perhaps if I were in a movie it would be accompanied by a reddish glow, a slight pointed growth just above each eyebrow and some ominous music.

By now I should not be amazed at the idle chatter people with no life of their own can engage in; but every now and then the extent of the chatter just throws me. The words that hemorrhage out the mouths of people whom I would give as much thought to as the thoughtless act of passing gas some times has me aghast. So once again I'm the subject of discussion for my past deeds, misdeeds, infelicities, indiscretions - take your pick; one of them must fit at some point in my life or another. At first I was annoyed - then that slowly turned to amusement. I had a good laugh - that persons whom I would not waste an iota of thought on, much less allow their name to pass my lips because of their sheer unimportance to me; would take time out of their clearly dull life to have a discussion about me did wonders for my ego. Usually the people worth mentioning in my life have some type of impact on my life - positively or negatively; and usually directly - other than that people are not so important to me that I would speak about them. It may be reasonable to assume that I'm important in some way to the gossipmongers.

I strongly dislike people who spend their time engaged in gossip - I do not encourage gossip; if you come to me to inform me of the latest water cooler news I will respond to you with the same temperature of the damn water. People's private affairs are not my business - they don't affect me directly or indirectly, and even if it did affect me it is for me to deal with in how I see fit and not for a third, fourth or fifth party. Gossip is usually the result of idle time and self-righteous ideals. Keep your ideals to your self and your tongue in your mouth and we good - be good christian folk and carry your troubles to god and leave them there. These self appointed neighbors keepers piss me off - spewing rumors based on assumptions and presumptions. I have heard things about people purporting to be the gospel truth only to later have the opportunity to speak to the person and find out otherwise - the truth always has a way of coming out. Reminds me of the words from "Say what's real" by Drake "...we're from a small town and everybody talks, and everybody listnes, but somehow the truth just always comes up missing..." I've heard stuff about myself that has surprised even me - I've been out with Sofie and it later got back to me that I was out with another woman at that same time. The other woman was Sofie, she just had a different hair style from when the idiot last saw her.

Hey, I'm no saint, I will be the first to admit that; but if these good christian folks believe in their dogma then they should know it is not for them to judge me. I guess it is ok, because in some instances they are not bearing false witness against their neighbour. Oh well, c'est la vie, you can't win them all, you can't please them all. Fortunately I have been practicing the art of living my life for me. Thank the North Wind for small mercies.

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