Friday, September 11, 2009

My September 11th

I've been drinking from about 4:30pm I have lost count of the number of drinks I have had, so I guess I'm a bit inebriated. So what better time to write, let me see how much shit I will write and how many times I will need to delete and edit - as of this sentence I've managed to keep count of five deletions (even deletion I had to type over so that's six). I have nothing in particular to write about, just thought I would fuck around a bit. On Thursday while walking through the gym I saw the owner doing a bit of stretching and said a brief hello; exchanged the usual pleasantries - hey, how are you doing? - not good was her response; kept walking was what I did. People are rarely really interested in how you are really doing. It's just something to say. How are you doing? I feel like shit, my husband/wife is an asshole, my daughter is fucking everything with a dick and my son is smoking every grade of weed you can think of - how are you doing? Well, clearly not as bad as you.

Really, who really wants to know how somebody that has no real meaning to you is doing, So why even ask. Beats me.

Ok so enough of that shit. Right now I am listening to this song Every Girl - its a rap song with this new artist named Drake. Essentially the rappers in the song are rapping about wishing they could fuck every girl in the world. I can not begin to tell you the number of guys who have that very same thought. The difference is some of us accept that it is not possible and some of us don't.

Alright, I'm tired of this shit. I'm going to re-read this at some point and wonder what the fuck; but the temporary lost of ones faculties is always welcomed. It allows you to better appreciate when you have all your ducks in a row.

Halle to the spirits - Campari and Piton is the fucking shit.

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