Monday, August 24, 2009

Waiting for Passion in Reality - pursuing my distractions

Searching repeatedly for a distraction from the tedium, I click and double click at anything, hoping for something exciting - some news, an email, anything; but nothing. I am engaged in almost mindless activity at this time; some what of an insult to my ability. Pursue your passion they say (some what of a cliche; a saying deserving of a hallmark card - those are often discarded shortly after the warmth has passed). Where is the instruction manual on finding your passion? Some passions are more easily discovered than others - some you stumble upon by sheer dumb luck. What if your passion could not even generate sufficient income to buy you a loaf of bread to quiet the growling in your stomach; should it still be pursued - or should it be abandoned for something with a bit more nutritional value.

There are many things I enjoy doing, but to call them a passion might be a stretch; to think I could earn a meaningful living from them - hmmm (let me sleep on that one). I may stand a better chance pursuing water in the Sahara (albeit I may get water in a mirage). So, yeah, I'm here, pursuing the next best thing to my passion; my reality - and perhaps I will make enough money from it to on occasion buy myself an escape from my reality and find some momentary passion.

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