Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pain Killers

I can not escape this pain that I feel
Mind over matter this time matters not
I breathe into the pain to think it away
Such thoughts though escape me
Breathe out and hope it fades with my breath
This pain is lingering and won't let me rest

My pain like a cancer refusing to leave
It stays to remind me of my many deeds
Everyday through this pain I must breathe
You would think by now to this pain I'd be numb
But it stays to remind me that I'm still human

Tomorrow I awake knowing what waits
This pain that resides here, has become part of my fate
I've learnt to embrace the unpleasant truth
This pain is of my making, there is no one to blame
Like the hours of the day, it too will pass
Till then, I'll accept this pain, as what it is
A pain in my ass


  1. it would be interesting to find out the source of the pain. Then maybe you could get rid of it.

  2. What pains me is my shoulder; sports injuries and years of neglect will do that to a major joint. Unfortunately, the getting rid of it part is a bit difficult - you see I have grown quite attached to my limbs and I would not wish to deliberately be separated from any one of them. So I guess I'll just leave with the pain. Thanks for your concern though.


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