Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A glimpse, that's all I got
To ponder in my thoughts

That sun kissed skin
That radiant smile
That gait that swings those hips, those thighs

A glimpse, that's all I got
To ponder in my thoughts

A chance glance, A fleeting high
Coming down, a dreadful sigh
A look from eyes possessed
With memories of flesh enmeshed

A glimpse, that's all I got
To ponder in my thoughts

My thoughts with desire rife
Pondering on that heavenly sight
Voluptuous curves, seductive grace
Yearning for a little taste

A glimpse was all I got
I've pondered on the thought

These thoughts have laid my mind to waste
Thinking of that warm embrace
That hungry kiss, that blissful moan
Why these thoughts won't leave me alone

A glimpse, was all I got
Damn it, I want that thought

1 comment:

Sun kissed

Sun kissed sand colored skin lay bare A tapestry of eroticism glowing with desire Seeping lascivious proclivities, whispering Taunting, teas...