Tuesday, March 17, 2009

With arms wide open

Sixty one years ago today my mom entered this world; she is one of god's great gifts to the world and me. One year ago today my son entered this world and the north wind gave me yet another great gift. This date is truly blessed.

Wow, an entire year ago, 365 days. One year ago my wife almost died giving birth to our son; they both almost bought the farm. Last year I got a better appreciation for the stress, sacrifice and risk women endure to bring a child onto this earth.

Its been an amazing year; some parts of it I could have done without, but hey that's life. You live you learn. When my son was born, other than the doctors and nurses who got him here safely; to them I am also grateful; I was the first to see him. His mom was sedated. His head was swollen from the stress of trying to force his way into this world, only to be granted entry by the scalpel of the surgeon, specs of his own feces on his face, eyes still closed, pale, shivering. He was and still is the most beautiful child I have ever seen; clearly I am bias.

A year of ups and downs, though writing this now it seems like there were more downs than there were ups last year. A year that will go down in the annals of my life history. But if there was one good, no great thing about last year, it was the birth of my son.

Thank you ma for bringing me into this world, I love you, thank you Sofie for bringing JAIY into this world, I LIKE YOU ALOT ALOT ALOT (we know what that means in our own dysfunction). It was a hell of a gamble with your life and I will do all in my power to see that it pays off.

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