Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mood swings

It's Tuesday already and I have had no really desire to blog; believe me it is not for want of subject matters, that can be found in the most innocuous of things. I was just not in my mood. I thought about blogging on assistance part two (you know the cheating thing); but I was not in my mood, I was peeved last night, for what now I can barely remember, and I'm sure if I had to scribe it I would slap myself silly for allowing myself to be peeved about it.

Sometime during the wee hours of this morning my sleep was disturbed with thoughts (god damn brain, it only works when it wants, I must do something about that), which should have been jotted down; but that would require me pulling back my covers, getting off my bed walking across to the living room to get pen and paper, sitting down and writing on what was a very cold night; I need not tell you I was not in my mood.

Then I thought of blogging about something more topical, like the ongoing commission of enquiry into governmental misconduct (of the previous administration, damn it if only I could remember where I had heard this before I would be able to tell you how it ends); I thought these two words were synonymous with each other. But I thought like the huge waste of tax payers dollars, it would be a huge waste of my time. I'm certainly not in the mood to waste my time.

Sunday I went to this quaint little jazz spot and communioned with a couple spirits, they both shared the same name Dewars White Label. It was quite relaxing and allowed me some time to reflect; I thought I would write about that experience. But you know how that ended. So I retired all my thoughts and decided to wait until that light bulb goes off in my head or the raving lunatic begins screaming again, whichever comes first. I quite enjoy the musings of the lunatic.

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