Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Look to the East

For two nights now I have returned home after a long day at work and a gruelling couple hours at the gym to some loud mouth pious mail man of the good news. For two nights now the message remains consistent (I guess if you say it often enough you will eventually believe it); Jesus is returning, the proof of this is in the chaos and crime in the world. I could have sworn last night I heard him make reference to Obama's presidency as yet another sign of the impending return of the north wind (perhaps he is the infamous anti-christ, who knows); and this shit goes up until sometime after 9pm. Are you freaking kidding me? Enough already.

I was tempted to get a really bright flood light, a megaphone and some assistance from a crane or something, and descend upon him, and with my deepest most menacing voice, proclaim; I am the lord your god, I have returned, now please be a good neighbour and shut up, go to sleep and allow these good hard working god loving folks to get some sleep.

Seriously though, these delivery men/women of the good news have been awaiting the imminent return of the north wind for over 2000 years now. That's a stretch for fashionably late, don't you think. I wish he/she would return already so that these pious nincompoops could feel vindicated and shut the hell up.

I think the north wind at some point contemplated a return, he'd just blow in and see what's up; but having observed how these morons fall to their knees, close their eyes, bow their heads, tie their waist and pray for him/her to take care of all manner of societal and other ills, even though they were endowed with the brains to take care of them; god just figured the trip down would be too much stress.

For crying out loud the north wind put all this together in six days, he made us smart enough to figure a way to fly, and we're not even birds. And now because some idiot is dying from lung cancer because he smoked to many cigarettes, which he knew would contribute to his end, falls to his knees (along with the rest of the congregation) and prays for the cancer to magically disappear, the north wind must now drop everything and take this self inflicted disease away.

Did you hear about the day of pray for the nation? My god, nah, dat one take the cake. You mean to tell me all options have been exhausted. We could not use our collective intelligence and will to change the crap going on in our society; so we literally fling our hands up in the air and say god help us all. Remember that song ....I surrender all.... Shit, I have died and gone to Duppiville.

Didn't we notice with the two eyes in our head given to us by the alpha and omega, when the shit started to splatter against the fan. What the hell is wrong with us? Were we sleeping when people stop giving a fuck?

These peddlers of fear and absolution of responsibility (responsibility for humankind) in exchange for the promise of an eternity of walking on golden streets and feasting on milk and honey (so what happen to the lactose intolerant and the vegan people? What they eating); I hold them as accomplices to the ills afflicting us today.

They stand loudly protesting on their pulpits in the safety of their edifices about the injustices and wickedness of this world; all the while receiving praises, amens and hallelujah from their insipid flock. What does it matter to them the day after the sabbath (what ever day that is)?

Isn't it ironic that in an age of more dogmatic religion we have more issues tearing aware at our social fabric. So much for spreading the "good news"; perhaps it's true what they say, good news does not spread.
The morning star along with anyone who knows me, knows that I'm no saint; but at least I have saved myself the pretense of these idiots proclaiming to be god fearing. I do not fear god, there is no reason to; unlike these hypocrites proclaiming to be his messengers you know exactly what he/she is about and you know from jump where you stand or do not stand with god; no pretense. Leave your hypocrisy and antics at the pearly gates.

So yeah! Where did I start? Yes that idiot disturbing me for the past two nights. Finally he shut up and went home I suppose. I suspect this is like one of those bad horror movies they keep making sequels to; he'll be back tomorrow.

I'll be waiting with a sign next time; God is all around you, never left so what the hell do you keep waiting for. Kiss the rain, that's him/her crying, so sadden by your bewildering stupidity and unwillingness to resolve your own issues, just waiting for him/her to come take you away.

Perhaps that sign may be to long winded. I'll make it short and sweet; Go away stupid God is everywhere.
This is the word according to Mr. Remy, praise be to .........

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