Monday, August 3, 2015


At last the moment arrived, in the most unexpected and un-glamorous fashion, but it arrived all the same. The end of this leg of what seemed to be a never ending journey, fraught with disappointment, angst, depression, jubilation, relief - quite an emotional roller coaster; but finally it has come to it's timely end.

It is seemingly coincidental and ironic that on the two occasions when I felt like throwing in the towel on this journey, I was simultaneously going through a tumultuous time in my personal life - the news came as a ray of light in the darkness.

Everything in its own time. This leg of the journey of my life has taught me much about myself and my character; most notable is my persistence, that never give up, get beaten down and get back up dust your self off and try again. I didn't think I could have been beaten down so many times and keep getting back up - if there is one thing this taught me is that I am stronger than I think.

I am thankful for the people who stood by my side during this part of my life, who never gave up on me, who had faith in my ability even when I had none in myself.

Now let the rest of my journey continue, with the knowledge that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

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