Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Every now and then I have these moments of regret in my life - my life a sprinkled with those moments; I've often said I have no regrets in life because they made me who I am today - that is when everything is ok, but at moments like now, when I'm at my low point - I have moments, or perhaps it is just a moment of regret.
Today, yesterday, I wish I could turn back the hands of time many many years back - but perhaps this is a feeling that will last no longer than the next few hours, maybe it won't, maybe I will have this feeling again next month, then not again till the end of the year - but for now in this space, I wish for an undo button. Unfortunately, life is not a series of 101010...it's organic, filled with emotions - and sometimes I do a lousy job at controlling mine; but hey, c'est la vie.
It's time to press my personal reset button; but for some reason in this 2014 model of me, I can seem to locate it as yet - till then I have to endure this temporary malfunction in my system. In the words of Frank Sinatra "...regrets I've had a few but then again too few to mention..."

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