Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Stick a fuck

I think women seem to believe that they have the market cornered on being frustrated in a relationship - or it is somehow their divine fucking right - as if there is not someone else on the end of that frustration stick being fucking beaten to death, all while taking the licks silently trying to appease them and keep the peace. My back broad, but not so broad - I'm done.


Every now and then I have these moments of regret in my life - my life a sprinkled with those moments; I've often said I have no regrets in life because they made me who I am today - that is when everything is ok, but at moments like now, when I'm at my low point - I have moments, or perhaps it is just a moment of regret.
Today, yesterday, I wish I could turn back the hands of time many many years back - but perhaps this is a feeling that will last no longer than the next few hours, maybe it won't, maybe I will have this feeling again next month, then not again till the end of the year - but for now in this space, I wish for an undo button. Unfortunately, life is not a series of 101010...it's organic, filled with emotions - and sometimes I do a lousy job at controlling mine; but hey, c'est la vie.
It's time to press my personal reset button; but for some reason in this 2014 model of me, I can seem to locate it as yet - till then I have to endure this temporary malfunction in my system. In the words of Frank Sinatra "...regrets I've had a few but then again too few to mention..."

Sun kissed

Sun kissed sand colored skin lay bare A tapestry of eroticism glowing with desire Seeping lascivious proclivities, whispering Taunting, teas...