Thursday, November 28, 2013

I think, therefore, I am...

I had an existential discussion with my subconscious in the little hours of the morning pondering the beginning and the end of existence of nothing. Needless to say such profound contemplation of a concept so abstract can reek havoc on ability to engage meaningfully in rapid eye movement. This perpetual thought on the hamster wheel of my mind went on for what seemed like days in my cerebellum rendering me paralyzed  by thought - over-thinking.  

It seemed in my finite wisdom in the relative hours of the dead of night, I attempted to unravel the mystery of life, the purpose for existence, the why and how are we here. To be quite honest, I'm not sure that I ever zoomed in on the thought of why am I here, but everything seemed grander and more important at the time - this random firing of signals in my brain, hell-bent on transforming me to an unwilling creature of the night. Sadly, I did not find the answers, I wasted precious time and missed out on the opportunity to explore with the parallel universe in the recesses of my subconscious, and as dawn broke I felt the weight of my eyelids become unbearable, my limbs become numb and my mind become quiet - as I drifted, my parting thought to my weary mind was - you fucking soucouyon....

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