Tuesday, March 19, 2013

2:23am - Shhhh!

This incessant voice in my head won't let me be it's like a buzzing mosquito circling the inner ear of my mind - irritatingly loud, persistent and too invisible to slap away. It taunts my dreams and scares my nightmares till I'm awake with nothing left to do but listen to it ramble on about nothing and everything like some god damn petulant loquacious child. This damn chatterbox speaking loudly; cacophony of thoughts, seems so clear, yet so muddled. Why won't it shhhh! I can feel the grains of sleep on my eyes - feels uncomfortable as sand in the eye and burns as much as salt water; yet this motherfucking voice continues. The light glows brightly and the precious sand from the hour glass of sleep, slips away while my god damn fingers plugs away like a mindless zombie at these fucking keys. Won't you shhhh long enough so I could find peace, calm quiet and disappear like normal people into the hush of my subconscious mind. Why won't you let me just sleep, shut the fuck up please, just shhhhh!

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