Monday, January 28, 2013

Smile, Thanks, Love

There are a few simple things you do that make smile, be thankful and I find just down right sexy.

  • The way you smile at me, not necessarily because I said something funny; that smile you give when I say or do something sweet, it's infectious. Even when I pretend I didn't see it, or it's no big thing, I smile broadly on the inside.
  • The way you laugh until you cry or have to stop to catch your breath. I love that I can make you laugh that hard; I love that you have a sense of humour and could care less about laugh lines.
  • The way you stroke/rub my head when I'm upset or having a bad day. The way you go a little out your way to make me smile; hold my head to your breast and touch my head gently and lovingly. I love when you kiss me on my forehead.
  • I love the way you look so sultry wrapped up in your towel (yes, your towel) - don't ask me what it is but there is something so sexy to me about a woman in a towel and nothing else.
  • The way my t-shirts fits you like a mini-dress, falling just below your butt. Your tiny feet in my slippers.
  • Those boy shorts, or lawd those boy shorts, fully covering your butt, but barely covering your butt
Just a few simple things you do, they make me smile, they make me laugh, they make be happy that I'm with you.

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