I've decided to not ignore it any looker, this voice in my head speaking about things I do not care to hear about, while searching out my slumber. It's never left I have just simply tried to ignore it...a lot of good that has done me. So here i am again, different setting same story..clicking and clacking away at the keyboard, perched on my three foot high cream bar stool, dim glow of this screen.
Sigh! Is there no escaping this. I lay on my bed tossing and turning as I do many a night, praying for sleep to come carry me away, yes literally praying till sleep carries me away. This practice of pray till I drift started back around 2008/2009, round about the time I started this blog. It was one of the dark periods of my life and mind mind was occupied with the trouble of the day and sleep and I were estranged. When night would fall I would lay restless in bed, trying to sort through my shit in my head, until I could sort through no more, and all I wanted to do was sleep so that I could stop thinking. That's when this practice began, I would say the lord's prayer, then just speak to God like he/she/it was right next to me...at times I thought I was going insane, because I could swear there was a real dialogue going on and not just a monologue in my mind.
I would do this prayer/conversation thing till I drifted off to bed...of course I suffered many nights of springing off my bed at the witching hour, but I sort solace within the comfort of cyberspace; this blog has guide me through many a night and many maddening thoughts. Suffice to say that this pray myself to sleep became such a part of me that once my body is in a position of rest and my eyes shut I automatically begin to pray.
Side note...a black and white cat just jumped through my kitchen window and went into my garbage...
Where was I...yes, so I've been tossing and turning for the last hour or so and I've said the lord's prayer too many times to remember and still sleep eludes me...so I'm back here. Till next time, perhaps my next post will be more exciting.
I have of late taken the view that no matter how rebellious, unconventional, non-conformist we would like to think ourselves, we are at some point always part of a similar grouping of people. We are never truly leaders, but followers. Followers, I prefer to refer to us as sheep; because at one point or another in our life we are all sheep. This is a place to express myself, vent my frustration with the sheepdom, and relieve my boredom. It is my therapy for all that contributes to my neurosis.
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