Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The notion of having the best of both worlds is incongruent with reality much like the notion of serving two masters; in much the same way that you can not serve two masters equally, your share of two worlds will invariably be disproportionate. This postulation I suppose hinges on that age old adage of being unable to consume your cake yet have it in your possession - something has got to give as it were. But in era where old theories continue to be disproved, perhaps it is but a matter of time before one discovers a way to have one's cake and eat it too; and perhaps, as a species, we will evolve to the place where it is indeed possible to serve two masters equally and have the best of both worlds.

Perhaps, the crux of the present difficulty to evolve to a place of equilibrium is the innate human condition; perhaps it is a biproduct of our ostensible mental elevation from the rest of the animal kingdom; perhaps even, the evolution of our species has moved us from being capable of genuine individual cognitive process to a group cognitive process - truly incapble of thinking for one's self; thoughts and action in sync with the rest of the herd. Maybe it is all of the above, or none of the above, or some other variables obscured from my simple cerebral process - perhaps my processing is linear; or perhaps not...too many variables. This random stringing of ostensibly unrelated thoughts swirling in the mind searching for reason in what is deemed to be unreasonable and taboo...albeit the notion of it being taboo is just that, a notion.

My mind now settles back to the impetus, or genesis rather of this rambling..."love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting that they won't." This statement/quote hijacked from my mental escape in the guise of entertainment, brought to the fore a simple question; have I ceded, have I willed away my power? I can't answer this yet...again too many variables, probabilities, possibilities; I may have inadvertently placed myself in that position, but until such time as it is put to the test, I can not say with any degree of certainty that I have or have not given away the power to destroy me...I fear that I do not wish to find out. Best of both worlds; in this world it is not possible; you get the bad of one, the good of the other; good of one, the better of the other; the better of one and the best of the other...but at no time do you get the best of both; you must invariable sacrifice a bit of one for some of the other...eternally struggling to find equilibrium...

1 comment:

  1. Allow yourself to fall in love completely. Im sure your love will not destroy you. Having your cake and eating it too is a recipe for disaster. At some point one has to give or let go on of completely to experience something magical. Just saying.


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