Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lent vs Carnival...

I had mentally penned a rant about the latest and most preposterous notion that carnival should be moved back to it's pre-lent time in any effort to make the faithful be more aware, and some how bring about respect for the observance of the lentan period; but my aoringal train of thought had since been derailed; but I am still sufficiently incense by the proposition that I feel incline to document my outrage. I have a few succinct and choiced words for the proponents of this notion/discussion; fucking poppycock, bullshit, hogwash, fokry - and in the local palance shate.

The idea that lent and carnival are ostensibly appendages is to say the least not logical not remotely grounded in reason. What to me makes more sense - I would like to think from a reasonable perspective (being mine) that if you are one of the faithful - fervent in your catholic of religious belief, you would not require the end of what many have deemed a pagan celebration to usher in or remind you of this most holy a repentful period - a pillar of your faith. To say that premise is asinine would to me be an under statement.

Further to add insult to injury (and the foolishness of this argument continues); is the demand by the faithful and self proclaimed christians that people (in a secular society) respect the lentan celebration. Hold on, has any one disrespected lent, has anyone said do not celebrate lent or move lent - what de ass. So what of respecting the people who do not observe lent; what of the non-believers - carnival was moved, what de ass; you'll to godly to care about the bachannal, why you'll want it closer to you'll holidom.

I think it's time people start exercise their grey matter, stop talking and repeating shit and above all else truly start to respect people right to be individuals and not conform blindly to dogma. I don't bother you when you eating your fish and praying - leave me alone when I drinking my rum and wining...Amen!

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