Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Failure is not an option

It is either that I am getting numb to the feeling that follows failure - having experienced it too many times; or I have come to terms with the fact that it is a nromal part of life; yet another hurdle in this tumultuous existence that I must muster the fortitude to overcome.

Alas, I must confess I feel some what defeated, broken, down to my knees - worn from the battle scars; resigned to surrender. This battle has taken much from my - like wars of old, it has depleted me - left me questioning my resolve to press on; question my decision to trek down this path in the first place. As the battle wanes, the end in sight, the strength to carry on is fleeting - tenacity is the last leg on which I stand - faith gives me courage; to know that I am not given more than I can bare - and the knowledge that I am not in this alone.

Yes, failure is but another hurdle, a stumbling block to success, and as long as I do not succumb to the repeated pummelling of the agents of failure I have already succeeded. My destiny is mine and will not be taken from me; nor will it be determine by any force out side of me - success is mine.

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