Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My conundrum

I know it's time to change my job when I sit in my car in the parking lot unwilling to leave it and enter that fucking building. I know it's time to move on - but I'm uncertain where and how, my exit strategy is taking too long. The destination from here seem cloaked in a shroud of mystery - I feel a bit lost and frustrated; my moments of happiness and fulfillment to few and far in between. I should not have to dread the place I spend the most of my day. I've thought this through, tried to change my outlook - refocus, but I seem mired in uncertainty - not a clear enough path. Part of me says to just leave this job and leave it to chance - take a freaking risk, but an un-calculated risk may result in even more frustration. Then there is my family and my commitments. Gosh I feel so burdened, it is no wonder I have these moments of seemingly spontaneous depression. The only thing that keeps me going right now is faith that this is not it and it will get better.

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