Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yes Massa

Just saw an article on the online news source about "Norwegian cruise line to call on St. Lucia" - as I read the article I thought about how much I loathe this industry and the reasons why I loathe it. This purported service industry is the main stay of our economy - an industry so fragile that the slightest of incidents from natural to man made could de-stabilise it, send it in a tail spin from which recovery while not insurmountable will be difficult; but while it is de-stable the consequences reverberates through the economy.

Tourism, gives to the nation with one hand while inconspicuously robbing it with the other. An industry which purports service, but underbelly is that servitude - an industry which purports to award excellence, yet in the main (at least academically) bolsters mediocrity at the best, under achievement at the worst. I am certain there is quantifiable data that points to the direct economic impact of this industry - but what of the indirect and adverse impact. What about the countless single parents (more so mothers) employed in this industry, working hours which does not facilitate them being able to spend time with their children.

Yes it has created jobs but what time of jobs - what are the requirements of these jobs. Don't get me wrong I am not saying do away with the industry, but ask yourself this if the thrust is for growth in this industry and the entry requirements to this industry is low - what are we saying that we are expecting of our future school leavers. The thrust of this industry to me seems to perpetuate under achievement in the main - there are few spots available in this industry at the top and how many of them are occupied by St. Lucians.

I am uncertain as to whether this situation - our myopic economic development is an indictment on our government and policy makers or on joe public - maybe even both. Irrespective, tourism, that ever important growing industry - oh how I loathe it.

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