Monday, January 10, 2011

Chasing pavements

They say love is blind, but sometimes it is also deaf and dumb. I heard this song chasing pavements, by Adele about a week ago and it is now stuck in my head. Songs, more so the lyrics of songs convey different messages depending on the listener - sometimes what the listener takes from the song is also influenced by life circumstances and experience (vicarious or otherwise).

This song planted a seed in my head which has taken root. What shoots forth is not that different from some previous posting - but like some fungus, you deal with it now and after some time in returns, perhaps in a new place and shaped slightly different, but it returns none the less - fungus. So like the fungus the topic of love and relationships returns to the fore of my mind - I ask myself why do people pavements even if it leads nowhere...What is it about love that keeps some of us pursuing it even when it is evident that it is not meant to be, or even when all signs indicate that the relationship we want is unhealthy - toxic even.

I suppose withdrawal and dependence is as powerful as the cocaine high of a new relationship. Like cocaine to a junkie it gets to the point where it defines you - you without it, like you without that "loved" is incomprehensible. Sometimes reality is easier to go through in a hallucinogenic state. Oh well, the heart wants what it wants, but like I said sometime ago what you want is not always what you need. The difficulty sometimes is discovering what it is you need.

Till the next fungal growth - love like you've never been hurt; it's better to have love and lost than to never love at all...and all that good stuff.

Love is a beautiful thing, enjoy it while it last - when it's done move on, hanging on to a love that is gone hurts more.

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