Sunday, November 7, 2010

Love Knot

In one of the versions of the Bible 1 Corinthians 13:4 states:" Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." In my previous rumblings about love I precursored my meandering by stating that I am no guru on love (or something of that sort); this has not changed, I'm still no guru; but I would like to think that by now I'm a bit wiser in the ways of love, or rather what from my perspective love is not. I should warn you however that my perspective/definition of love is as fluid as the ocean.

As it were here are a few things I think love is not:

1.) Love is not disrespectful (I learned that one the hard way)
2.) Love is not making your partner feel like shit (sometimes you are unaware that's what you're doing, but it is no excuse).
3.) Love is not making your partner doubt they self worth (right up there with making your partner feel like shit).
4.) Love is not breaking down your partners self confidence.
5.) Love is not laying on the guilt trip (especially when you know your shit stinks too, maybe worse).
6.) Love is not constant questioning and accusations (if you have that much doubt maybe you should consider calling it quits or find a freaking coping mechanism).

I could probably go on but why, it's late I'm tired and I must go wash up in my quarter bucket of water (thanks to that motherfucker Tomas); but I'll leave you with lucky number seven 7.) Love does not require your partner to "prove it" like some freaking school boy trying to get pussy for the first time - if you love me have sex with me. Love just is - it is what ever you make it within your relationship.

So there you go, some of the things love is not - at least for me; some people may think that the above epitomizes love. But like I said at the beginning this is my perspective tonight - it may be different tomorrow, it's fluid; so find your own perspective on love.

P.S. Love is not staying with your partner because you have grown comfortable and he/she is all you have known. Love is definately not forced.

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