Monday, June 28, 2010

Nothing sweeter than Lucian Carnival

Two major fetes down, a few more to go till the culmination of this experience which is carnival. An experience, that to me is the best word to discribe the carnival season - because to everyone the feelings which are enduced by the firing of signals in your brain and the explosion of chemicals (man made mind altering or otherwise) is unique to that individual.

Finally she made it to wet fete
Hundreds, or thousands of people moving their bodies to one beat - that heavy bass line, that one chant, or chorus from their favourite song; the behaviour or misbehaviour as it were of mild mannered and not so mild mannered ordinary Lucians - is an experience. To me my carnival experience has gotten better every year - in the words of Bunji Garlin - "...some people doh like carnival, so me dun know dat are de saddest ting..."

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