Monday, June 28, 2010

Nothing sweeter than Lucian Carnival

Two major fetes down, a few more to go till the culmination of this experience which is carnival. An experience, that to me is the best word to discribe the carnival season - because to everyone the feelings which are enduced by the firing of signals in your brain and the explosion of chemicals (man made mind altering or otherwise) is unique to that individual.

Finally she made it to wet fete
Hundreds, or thousands of people moving their bodies to one beat - that heavy bass line, that one chant, or chorus from their favourite song; the behaviour or misbehaviour as it were of mild mannered and not so mild mannered ordinary Lucians - is an experience. To me my carnival experience has gotten better every year - in the words of Bunji Garlin - "...some people doh like carnival, so me dun know dat are de saddest ting..."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

It start

First major fete for the season - Just 4 Fun cooler fete; OMG it was the bomb. Once again it's here carnival, that time when you see people you only see at that time of the year, that time when you get high from inhalation of the atmosphere. The count down continues - the bachannal is here. Damn I love it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Circadian clock fucked

As if I did not have enough trouble with slumber, the last few weeks of late night studying has claimed what little was left of my ability to quiet my mind long enough for my body to receive a moments reprieve from the daily battery as collateral damage.

And so, I lay awake, tossing and turning, rolling around on my bed like a dog on a hot day moving in circles underneath the shade of a tree, clawing at the ground trying to find a comfortable spot to rest - away from it all. My mind restless with seemingly innocuous thoughts in quick succession - each thought robs me of a second of sleep, which rolls forward to minutes, then snowballs into hours. The dark circles beneath my eyes grows darker and more pronounced with each passing tick on the hands of the clock, with each spec of sand through the hour glass. Darkness fades and day light hastens. 

My sheep are out to pasture they won't jump my fence to be counted, I'm left floating up sleeps creek with no paddle. Sleep, like the child from a once loving home whose parents can no long be together - I am only afforded visitation rights on a weekend with my child called sleep. There will be little or no visit of sleep for me tonight, rather this morning (2:02am) - I need to find a way to fix this, sooner rather than later. It's been too long since we've been apart.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

P2 - again!

Drifting, between slumber and wake, conscious and semi-conscious, I tether. Drifting between thoughts of hunger and my desire to sleep. Do I remain nestled in the warmth of my bed or drag my ass off - I try feebly to resist rolling off and drift back off to sleep but I dream in fair values, and adjustments, complex groups and consolidation. Reluctantly, I yank my self from my respite, pull on my boxers and return yet again to my refuge where I attempt to quiet my mind - back to white letters on black keys speaking softly to me providing me with words of encouragement and solace. Once again the click clacking of the keys prove functional, three more days and it will be over, three more days and my thoughts will be screaming and preoccupied with anything but thoughts of Corporate Reporting.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Sleep denies me, it refuses to cede to my request, it will not come to me and refuses to receive me, so I'm left awake. Here, eyes burning, head pounding unwilling to will myself to what I must do I turn to my refuge - pouring of thoughts clattering of keys, black letters on a white screen.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

On pause

Oh blog how I miss you, but dem exams have me on lock for de time. Don't worry, I'll be back soon - carnival is here. Hair growing, transformation start - yes, soon - d beast lego. WHAT!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Impatiently awake

Sleep eludes me like chastity, I lay awake dreaming of slumber unable to quiet my mind long enough to become unconscious. My eyes rage against my mind, my mind against my body, my body against me; and my precious desire for sleep is collateral damage.

I drift between places and faces I do not know and return awake, barely. What is this? why can't I sleep? Relax your mind; this mental mote I make is some what pointless. Think of something calm, I tell myself; ok here goes - the cool grass beneath my feet, the blades of grass slipping between my toes, cool breeze against my skin; the sound of birds chirping in the distance; twilight creatures singing their songs of hello; trees speaking to each other as they sway in the wind.

Ah! I feel myself drifting off - yes, finally, I think and then nothing - shit I still awake. Still here; I grow more upset at every failed attempt to drift off to sleep and the angrier I become the further away sleep moves from me. At this point there is nothing I want more than to be oblivious to myself. I lay there at the mercy of my mind; praying that it would shut up long enough so I may hear the sound of nothing; silent long enough for REM; I wait, good things come to those who wait they say; better things come to those who go after it. But on this night, rather morning, I am left with little choice but to wait till slumber sees it fit to pay me a visit

Sun kissed

Sun kissed sand colored skin lay bare A tapestry of eroticism glowing with desire Seeping lascivious proclivities, whispering Taunting, teas...