Thursday, May 6, 2010

Insomniac Heart

Have you ever
Slept wide awake, eyes wide shut cause your heart still aches
Have you ever
Replayed each moment, each place, that now leaves you in this empty space
Have you ever
Wished your reality was a dream, a terrible scene on your movie screen
Have you ever
Laid awake praying for a break, from the bitter tears streaming down your face
Have you ever
Wondered why nothing stays the same, question why things have changed
Have you ever
Thought why things don't work as planned, ask why you were dealt this hand
Have you ever
Asked your self what went wrong, can I get through this, am I that strong
Have you ever
Stopped to ask yourself, when will this soliloquy come to an end
Have you ever
Tried to sleep while your heart weeps
Have you ever

1 comment:

  1. have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart ???


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