Monday, March 29, 2010

Ovulation of Infidelity

Infidelity is like the process of conception – post ejaculation. Millions of would be suitors approach this one attractive object of their desire; but it is resistant, most – sometimes all the suitors don’t stand a chance and their advances are quickly rejected; the unworthy.

However, on occasion the opportunity presents itself, the suitor is persistent, appealing/attractive – the mood and the vibe feels right, and the much sought after object of the suitors desire is willing, able, going on something other than logic – the suitor goes through.

Viola, conception has occurred. Conception much like infidelity; some people may go through their entire life without conceiving/cheating (or contributing to the process); some may conceive/cheat just once; and some once their have started down that road it becomes difficult to stop without the use of some unnatural means (with conception, it’s contraception, with infidelity it may be castration).

Don’t take this as the go ahead to go all Lauren Bobbit – no off with his “head”. Infidelity is an equal opportunity eventuality.

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