Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sleepless in Bocage

God damn it! I'm not sleeping again. This time it wasn't because of a dream or because my mind was too busy worrying needlessly, no, this time it's because by belly had a mind of it's own. I woke up two hours ago hungry, I thought I could just have a glass of water and go back to bed, but my stomach had other plans. The thought of drinking water and heading back to bed had my stomach cussing me out in gastric juice language - I don't speak it but I understood exactly what it was saying. "Wah did fuck you feel nuh, I fucking hungry and you telling me about fucking water, try dat in your ass, see if you sleeping deh tonight in your modacont."

I understood all too clearly, I ceded reluctantly to the rather rude request. Having sated my hunger, I thought I would allow the cereal some time to settle in; after all, de man say "doh eat and lie down". I checked on my current downloads, surfed the net for a while and figured it was time to return to slumber. That was well well over an hour ago. What the fuck? So my belly cuss me out for food and got food, who in the fuck am I suppose to cuss out for sleep. Close my eyes, I thinking of all manner of shit, (I done reach Lucia carnival 2K10 and back already) open my eyes to darkness all around. Eyes open, cah sleep, eyes close I still cah sleep - what de ass is dis.

I am going to try to go back to bed again - not sure what's the point my phone will alarm in the next two hours. If I'm up still at 4:30am I'm going to go walking/running - by the time I get back home I should be tired enough to sleep but it will also be time to get ready for work; which becomes some what of a conundrum - do I go to work tired and unable to function effectively and efficiently, (but I would be there on time and "present", clearly present only in body) or do I stay home to sleep and eventually go to work. Then again, my body might be flooded with adrenaline and I would not feel the need to return to bed. Bloody hell man. You know, I could swear I just heard my belly cuss me out again for the same reason - in it fucking ass. I'm going to have a serious conversation with my belly now. Bye

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